lunedì 25 novembre 2013

The USA: the beginning of imperialism

In the 1890s  the Frontier was ceasing to exist. Up to that time the Frontier had been a an essential part of of the American dream of freedom and opportunity.
Thus began the imperialistic policy of the USA, almost as a compensation for the loss of the internal frontier.
In 1898 the USA annexed the Hawaian Island and in the same year waged a short war against Spain in Cuba, to defend the economic interests on the island. However Cuba became a free republic a few years later.
In 1903 the President Theodore Roosvelt obtained the lease of the Panama Canal Zone Thus enlarging the American territory with strategic positions.

domenica 24 novembre 2013

The Georgian Age

George V reigned from 1910 to 1936.
Life until the World War I was in many ways the British counterpart of the continental Belle époque: Victorian habits were continued and the upper class still thought of itself as the centre of the civilized world.
World War I put an abrupt end to all this.

The Edwardian Age

The son of Queen Victoria, Edward VII came to the throne in 1901.
In 1906 was held a general election and the LIberal Party won.
The Edwardian Age (1901-1910) saw the culmination of the process hat had characterized British social life for the past two centuries: a widespread industralization; the growth of urban areas; an increase in population; the extension of the transport network.